Saturday, June 8, 2013

Living in the south

It wasn't verylong after we were married for Dustin to feel the need to return to South Carolina. I wasn't a very good sport about it and basically fought kicking and screaming the whole trip and for a few months after. Eventually I got a better attitude and deciced to give the south a try. 

One person who didn't have a hard time adjusting was Lucy. We live with Dustin's mom and dad on their farm and Lucy has become a bona fide farm dog! She loves to chase the cows and swim and in the many ponds and streams on the property. She also hunts squirrels, turtles, birds, and the occasional deer. Although she usually doesn't catch very many deer. (thankfully) 
Our home is absolutely gorgeous and moving here has been a enormous blessing. I am so grateful to have been able to have this opportunity to get to know Dustins family so much better. Even though it hasn't always been easy, I have always felt loved and supported by Dustin and his family and can now say I feel at home. 

Adjusting from city life to country girl wasn't something that I planned on happening. (Or wanted to happen)  One minute I'm getting pedicures every other weekend and eating take-out Thai food and the next I'm planting a garden and learning to drive a tractor. I still have plenty to learn but I think I have come pretty far.